Thank you; you are welcome
Written by Jantine and Ramon

Thank you;
Thank you for being here..
Thank you for being nice to me..
Thank you for loving me..
Thank you for the conversations that we have..
Thank you for all the hugs and the thousand of kisses..
Thank you for the safety you give me..
Thank you for being you

You welcome; (in my heart)

You’re welcome in my fragile heart
So you may come in
Touch me very softly and cuddle me to heaven
your eyes so blue-green and zo powerful
it gives me strength
The even million of kisses you gave me made me very shy
We keeping it real together till we die
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Over dit gedicht
Auteur:  Manjula Abbo 1Abbo 2
Gecontroleerd door:  christina
Gepubliceerd op:  06 januari 2007