I cry about you, baby
Dedicated to Klaske
(written: July 2001)
I thought I loved the girl that loves me
but maybe it was fantasy
The bullets in my heart makes my soul alone
And the love between usit’s gone.
My heart cries and says you goodbye.
Now I left you with tears
and I have sorrow about you, for years!
I can’t sleep because I think every time on you
Now I have pain in my heart and soul
It looks like you have stoke me in my soul
with a knife
Baby, what have you done?
I want you back in my life!!
But what can I do?
How can I live without you?
And now, I cry about you, baby boo
You were my girlfriend for life!
And in the future my wife!
But now you have  given me much sorrow
How can I survive this day?
And tomorrow??
Our love river is stopped
and the love between us is dropped
now, the river is dry up
and is one great dirty mud-bath
I thought it was our clearly river that flows forever
But it wasn’t
Now I cry about you, baby
You know I was dancing for you
It was in the club
I do everything for love and I don’t give up
I write this while I’m thinking on your nice voice
Now I cry
because I have no choice
I’m still waiting, for you
and I love you forever, my little baby boo
I was in love with you but you not with me
Now I have still much sorrow
don’t you see??!
So nowI cry about you, baby
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Over dit gedicht
Auteur:  Manjula Abbo 1Abbo 2
Gecontroleerd door:  Innerchild
Gepubliceerd op:  09 januari 2007
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