You can reign your foul words down like hail fire on my lips
You can besmudge my name in the most vile of sips and talks
Around the hallways you spread rumors like wildfire in interested ears
Whatever harshness and apocalypse you may bring
You can never break me down or stop my song for singing
So hold your pride high, cause it steeps so low
Hold your beauty unfazed, cause insecurities shows
Hold your worries hidden, cause everyone knows
How fragile your porcelain faces might break when it warms up
When the hail of bullets of truth may hail down on you
May everyone see your shattered body, in bathing sunlight
And see the skeleton you always were wearing inside
Burned blackened, not worthy of any sight, ugly
This is me standing up to all the years of tortured words
This is me not being fazed by any of the nonsense you speak
This is me talking myself up and finding the courage to act up
And make your sure your words reach deafened walls, sort of teach
As lions may roar the loudest and far,
Inside of you their is such a small minded individual
That eats itself up from inside of care,
You might’ve thought you’ve raised the damned
Instead you are puny, weak, not worthy of any denial
I laugh and spit of the face of people who weren’t worth my time...
All of the while.