a moment in time
happend just the other day
i've found myself lost in embraces
that were never really there
i embraced my soldier
held his heart to mine
felt i was lost in romance
and kept my smile
a moment in time
for me and the ones i loved
happines lies just around the corner
for the pure ones to find
they embrace their fortune
and never wonder why
it was them who found it
them who realised
that a moment in time
for all their past lovers is sacret
a memory that burns forever elusive
to warm their minds in loss
is really all you could long for
if a moment in time
is all the happines
you can get in this life
this world
this soul
this body
this enchantment
to take me back in time
is in truth nothing but my subconcious
trying to tell me that what i once knew
moments in time
are there to be cherished
there to be loved
and therefore never ending
for love is never ending
and cherishing lasts forever
did you not realise
that you are
but a moment of time
and still never ending