butterflies passing by
clouds before the sun
wind blowing trough my hair
and I don't know why people stare
raindrops on the streets
umbrella's in their hand
nobody stops, everyone runs
they just don't know where to land
I've seen the pain
I've seen the sorrow
it all starts and all ends
for the last time tomorrow
listen to my prayers
and you'll understand
why and where I was lost
and what trouble it caust
but after the raindrops
and after the sun
you came into my life
to save me before everything begun
You are like a smile
you are like a kiss
you are like god
so I'd know just what I've missed
You took your 'wings'
and crossed my way
you helped me trough
this awful grey
you're hug
you're smile
you're touch
you're kiss
I never deserved this much
so love me darling
so I can see
how much you really mean to me....
~~~ik leef voor de angst en kill voor de adrenaline~~~