this is what they mean when they say "time flies by"
sometimes on TV U see images of a highway and cars,
and it all goes by twice as fast
their lights speeding by
like a fast moving clouded sky
their image and reflection recorded in our minds
it just plays it back so much faster
this is the best I can describe what I felt
and nothing can stop it that powerless feeling
when time flies by
It is what happend when we said bye
I remember the feeling all empty inside
A need to scream and cry
but no more tears or strength for that inside
Wanting to change the things that were decided
even when we knew we could not
and have to bear these for a while
and sitting here knowing your love is mine
it eases the aching and crying of my heart inside
My body it wants to be closer to yours
and in time it will again
sooner then it seems actually
and it has to or else it will die
those images are slower now it seems in my mind
even when I know time goes fast and soon life passes you by
We should remember that our time here is short
these few months without you I can be stronger then life
Knowing that so soon I have U by me 4ever as my wife
Is this what they mean when they say "time flies by"