hey you, smiling litle face
filled with hope, and with big plans
but nobody's listening to you, nobody's looking at you
you won't give up, them must understand
you come back
with something bigger, something stronger
but nobody realy cares,
their lifes go on,they don't even see you're there
they only care for themselves, and they only see what they want to see
for those people, you're fabel, a story , a dream
sometimes, they wonder if you exist...
but then, they give up, forget and go on with their lifes
open you'r eyes, there is something out there
something that your eyes don't want to see
but only your hart can tell you what you want to see
do it for me, go outside, forget the past, and go, look for something new... something that you didn't want to see
mijn inerpretaie van het liedje van moby.... dat de mensen blind zijn, naar niets meer uitkijken, en details het leven voorbijgaan...