"Words can't bring us down"
Unfortunately that isn't entirely correct
For even though it's a lovely thought
Things aren't always that perfect
To us it was told to take off the frown
Which was stucked on our faces
Whenever we hear things which hurt a lot
Then that thought we gratefully embrace
Words can easily take away the respect
For which we've worked hard to earn
In brief moments it can be taken away
'n we sink, in ground which used to be firm
Even though, we try to stay stand 'n protect
Our dignity from those awful harsh words
Unluckily at times, they still sneak up 'n stay
In our brains, while otherwise preferred
Facts make a difference, but words even more
So think before speaking about what's on your mind
Your (mean) words can disappear with the wind combined
Or stay, while making other people's heart sore