* het regenmeisje danst *
Lying underneat the hotbursting sun.
I once met a raingirl,she was dancing on her bare feet.
Praying to the skies,that the sun will go away.
Or whe all will fall,like birds of a hot tinroof.
So she prayed and cried to the sun.
The animals where sheltering in the bushes.
People where crying of the heat.
She prayed that the rain will fall today.
So i danced with her on my bare feet.
Together whe danced the raindance.
Praying to the sun, to go away.
So the skies were filled with tears.
Animals gathering in groups watched us dance.
So the rain started to fall.
People now laughing and coming out of their shelters.
The animals rised from the bushes and vanished into the jungle.
So whe layed ourselfs to rest in the forest.
The next morning the rain still felt.
The heat was gone, but the heat in us had just explode.
Everytime its getting hot whe dance the raindance on our bare feet.