I Don’t know
what’s becoming of Us...
Is it becoming
What we wanted
it to be or are you just
Playing mindgames with me...
Many voices speak te me, but
Good or bad, they’re all confusing
The most unexplainable one is yours
I don’t know what you think
of me, us, or the whole situation...
My scatterd knowledge shakes, beneith the choises
It has to make, about
Things that need to be sorted out
About certain thougts and things you say
What seemed so close and warm
Became invisible in the cold, rainy, darkness...
Looping thoughts,
Organized Mess,
Violated minds,
Elevating Depth...
It all comes together in one thing
That isn't to be found
in concrete matter
But has to be searched in suggestive,
Though indifferent phrases...
Shallow ponds become oceans without horizons
Feelings shrink and grow to one size
One that doesn’t fit all, but is made
for only the right choises, the only thing I have to do
is finding out what
The right one is...