Sometimes I sit en think
of all the things happened in this life.
A big fight with my EX best friend, the divorce of my parents, the death of my Grandpa.
These are a few of the reasons why I hate this miserable life I'm living.
Sometimes I just wish I'd die.
But that's no excuse to leave this life.
Some people say '' The life you're living is not forever, it's like the wind, it will blow over. ''
But I don't believe that anymore, 'Cause they don't know what I'm going through.
I only wish that I could turn back time.
But wishes don't come true, 'cause I wished for alot of things, they didn't come true also.
I'd like to say a few things :
Roy, I miss you & hope that this fight is soon over.
'Cause I still love you, and don't wanna say Goodbye !!
Grandpa, I hope they treat you well out there.
If not, please come back to me.
'Cause I miss you & need you !!