there was a girl
who lived in a fantasyworld
full with faerys, elves and dragons
but still she was unhappy
once she was crying
and than a dragon should op out of nowhere
he asked " why are you crying?"
she said "because i don't have friends"
the dragon couldn't understand
"everybody has friends" he said
"not me" said the girl
the dragon started crying to
and he said " i'll be your friend"
so they become best friends
it was wonderfull
but one day the girl was dieing
so the dragon gave half of this heart
and said "this is miy heart and i want you to have it"
after a cupple day the girl was playing again
and they played for a fuw years
but then the dragon said that she belongs in the city
and he sendded her away
and because she loved him she went
a fuw months later she went back
but the dragon was gone,
he was killed by a dragonslayer.
moreal of the story: never let your friends go because you wil realise how much you need them when it's to late
this story is true, this is my story
i losed my dragon not long ago
i miss him everyday
but one day he wil come for me and we will fly forever in the sky