Please come, I had to wait
my short and grey dark day
I'll go see you tonight
in the darkness bright
I wonder what you'll say
when we'll meet again..
I've found the place
a perfect little space
the dust is perfect clean
and nobody could've seen
that I hid my toy
for my sweet boy
The thought of you
makes me wanna puke
so do my little cats
vomit with a splash
I don't know what's wrong
singing little kitty song
Lying in a pool of blood
the few remains of a rat
its organs all messed
its eyes look dead
a tiny little creature
now a lifeless sculpture
I choose my toy
for you sweet boy
we'll meet tonight
in darkness bright
there's a grave for you
and I'll go home too.
My knife bloodstained
your blood, my game
nice bright night
you in the moonlight
Sweet little toy
goodbye dear boy.
Dit gedicht is NIET vanuit mijn eigen oogpunt geschreven, ik ben zo daadkrachtig niet!!!
Ik dacht, ik moet eens een gedicht schrijven vanuit een ik-figuur die 'niet helemaal ok is' en ik denk zelf dat je dat ook wel kunt lezen..