It's been a while
since you've left me
still miss your smile
still miss your voice
It took you so long to win my heart
I had a lot of doubts
but you were convinced from the start
won't leave me alone untill I'd smiled
for a year and a half you were always there
togheter building the trust
but people starting to say: beware!
he will hurt you, stay away from him
but I trusted you, and knew everything was ok
you convinced me, and I fell in love
the first date; it was a wonderful day
now, I wish that had never happend
After a while you left me alone
suddenly it was over, you left
and turned my heart into stone
and I want to know now is why?
Why when you've tried so long?
Why when you finnaly got my trust?
Why did you turned out so wrong?
Why are you what they said?
* dat is het enige wat ik me nu nog af vraag..waarom? ik mis je :'(...ik snap niet dat je anderhalf jaar je best doet op mijn vertrouwen te winnen, en het dan zomaar weggooit...waarom toch?*