You didn't listen,
none of you did.
You all ignored my warnings,
You all thought I never could be right.
I gave you signs,
I tolled you,
Screamed it in your faces...
But you all just ignored me.
You all betrayed us,
Did nothing but for your own good.
You all tolled us it was everything you could do,
I rised up,
Became one of you,
Showed you all that there was a better possibility,
I asked you all to try to make it work,
You all answered,
I screamed,
I cryed,
Tolled myself not to act like a baby but fight.
I will wait,
Have patience,
Wait for you all to see your failure,
To see you were wrong.
But for now I sink down in dispear,
Knowing that if you would listen now,
There still would be a chance.
But you mistake me for foolish and young,
Forget to see what's behind my thinking,
Once you will know,
But it will be to late...
Please listen now...
I beg you,
ALthough I know you will all just keep ignoring me...