Slowly she wisphered the words
She said it carefully and slow to the birds
So that everyone could listen to it
But no one can translate those words
No one could know what she said
But it's important to know
Althought they all didn't knew
If they did then...they didn't have to bow
She got everyone under her
She is becoming our queen
No one did expect this
Cause she is only a teen!
But she got power, that's for sure
She rules with all her magic and power
She changed everything here
A gun becomes a flower
A gun becomes a flower
A thief becomes a stright guy
A rich woman becomes a normal girl
A bad dog becomes a lovely puppy
A bad temper becomes a happy time
A world we used to be... becomes her world
It's not like it isn't good now
No, it's better that you can imaginice
But I'm not sure if it's for real
Cause on every thing is some kind of a price
What should we have to pay
Pay for a world so pure
I don't know but it will be much
Like this world will cure
She turns her head to us
'Did you have any question my dear?'
Oh, she isn't afraid, so does it looks
'No madame...Only some fear'
She let me come to her and I neal (kniel)
'Tell me your fear' she said
'I'm afraid we've to pay for this world'I said
'If there's gonna role a head..It would be my head'
Oh..she said it with no fear
Must I trust on her and let her in danger?
I trust her, I really do
But do I trust also that stranger?
That stranger that walkes in the room
He walks funny, very gentle and with his head up
He walkes to our queen and laughs very loud
I saw a knife and run to our queen 'Stop!'
I'm before the queen now, so the guy can't come close
'What is this my child?' he said with an confused face
'I'm protecting my Queen, oh lord' I said straight
'Sorry but she's going out of space'
I shook my head and looked at him with straight eyes
'No, then just take me' '
The man lookes to me and took my arm
'So then let this be...'
He couldn't finish his words, a knife has stopped him
The queen let the knife fall and lookes confused
'Sorry...but I didn't let him take you away'
'I'm sorry...but I don't let you to be used'
I looked at her, and smile
I'am glad with such of queen
But althought everybody she isn't the right wueen
Cause she's only a teen...
A teen! Can't they rule?
She was better then the rest
She understand us at least!
She is just the best!
But if they don't she it now
When wil they see?
That a queen of our age
She rules better then you ever could be!
Oh I wonder if this could be reality
When will people see that teens are smarter
But I guess they never would see
They love the old ones... althought they rule harder!
I love my teen-queen
Cause she lifes our lives too
And I know that when she rises up
She never can or would un-do!
A boy...
My ex...
What does he have?
It's over..
A whole week long already
But still he cycle trough my street
And goes around me more then ever
I ask myself
Is he still in love?
I'm not, and he knew
But why...
Why does he still comes?
He's coming after me
Everywhere I go
He's there
Everyone I know
He's gonna know too!
Why can't he stop?
I said goodbye
I don't want to be rude
But it's over dude!!!