You aint alone boy...
You aint alone girl...
Those words are slipping out my mounth
But I don't know if it's true
I'm sitting down in this empty house
Coldness is around me
Maybe I'm wondering about how life is
But I know I won't have a clue
Coldness comes closer and I'm start to shake
No one's here to warm me up
But I don't have it really cold I guess
I shake because I don't know what I feel
I watch around in this cold room
It's a house without any doors closed
The wind blows coldly in my face
The warmth isn't something you can steel
I'm lying down, to cold to stay awake
Slowly I am dreaming, not having a clue what's going around
I don't feel the cold anymore
But the warmth of someone else I feel so sure
I open my eyes and see a beautiful woman staring at me
She takes my hand and lead me trought the woods
We came into a beautifull place made of ice
And I know my love for her is so pure
I'm now sitting in the same room again
Shaking for the coldness
But when I opened my eyes
I see a boy lying against the other wall
I slowly standing up and crowl to him
I see his lips are blue and he's all frozin in
I took his blanked he has drawned on me and took him in
I sat against him and know we won't fall
I lie against him & saw myself & him trough a broken mirror
While I am staring I saw his breath is slowly taking away
I feel his face and saw he's freezing in
And gave him a kiss on his mouth
I helt him close to be, while I start to cry
I don't know why, but I feel such kind of love
I don't wanna loose him now so alone
And so I cried out loud
And I sat there 2 whole days...all alone with him in my arms
The third they he becomes to open his eyes softly
I smiled and hugged him so happy, he stares me strange on
And slowly I let him wonder around and let him feel warm again and stay warm forever
I love him true and he loves me back
So we go together trough the woods and find the place
The place of my dreams and we go in
And we rule that place together, like prince and princess...and dying we go never!