In the beginning
We were happy
Together cudled
Loved each other
We could defeat the world
then we got better
We got smarter
We knew all about each other
We knew our secrets
At least I thought I knew you
Now I cry with my head buried deep inside my hands
Wanting that you come rushing inside, embrace me and say
"it was all a joke, now dont cry. It wasn't worth it"
And me just being mad, cause odf the sick joke
But still embracing you and drowning you in love
My deepest wish, My deepest desire
Is that you come back to me
That you tell me it wasnt real
That I wake up from a nightmare with you next to me
Telling me it was just a bad dream
Still I ask myself, what all this is worth
What I did wrong to deserve this
What is my crime for this consquence
Why do I get tortured, and beaten
By hands I can not block
I still love you
I still want you back
I'm waiting for you
To come to me with these words
That you come and fight by my side once again