My Best Friend
"for the friend who's gone"
A long time we were always together
but suddenly another girl was better.
I tried and tried to get connection
there were always plans but never action.
After a while our friendship faded away
we had a fight, I said sorry, it was ok.
but the conversation weren't deep
we'd made promises we couldn't keep.
The new "best friend" had token my place
and now I think often back to those good old days.
again and again there came the discussion
I tried to avoid it, but for the problem I couldn't run.
And until now, I regret what happened on that one day
you blame me, I blame her, but the truth we refused to say.
but I really appreciated our friendship so long
now the time is past it doesn't matter anymore who was wrong.
You have to know i really loved the special "band" we had
I hope you forgive the mean things I said.
all my secrets may rest in your heart, and remember one thing, you see...
you were really a special friend to me...!!
i will remember