I'm sitting here.
Alone in the dark
Only thinking about you.
Every day I stand up with you in my head.
With you I go to bed. Again, every day
The whole day you in my head.
Thinking ; what I'm going to do if I lost you..
Every song makes me cry.
Don't know what's going on.
Thinking about life.
Thinking how it will be tomorrow, maybe without you
But how can I make it without you? It's impossible.
Everytime as I see you with that big smile, I'm happy.
If you're sad, I'm sad.
Can't control it, we're the same. Both the same person.
Sometimes I cry about you, don't know what for.
I need you by my side, can't live without you.
You're so great! If I'm happy, we both laugh till we drop.
If I feel bad, you make me laugh.
Sometimes I can't control me feelings.
I wanna tell you, but I can't express my feelings.
I don't get it, how hard can it be ?
It's a weird feeling, it's so great but I cry.
Cry about the great things we do !
How can I live without you ?
Last night I have a thought, it was just a thought, only a thought.
I thought ' What if you're going to die or something else so I can't see you anymore ?
I'm not survive that, that's for sure..
Because I don't wanna life without you > I'm lost without you..
voor me besteVriend die niet_Zolang meer te leven heeft.