Words never raped me that much before
Like frozen illusion
Wish I couldn’t feel your memories anymore
Breaking me to create even more confusions
I can still hear you screaming
Than crashed down and fall
Pretending I was dreaming
But still we lost it all
When it turned night
I broke down and cried
Wished for one last fight
Where pain officially died
So afraid to see the verdict
Couldn't stand also losing you
Always trying to be there
Trying to always help you trough
And so there we stood
Together alone
Fighting against it for the thousandth time
Hoping to win, hoping this time we really could
It felt like we could do anything together
In a weird way it somehow wasn't so hard to take
Knowing our pain was carried by two
But still the smiles were too hard to fake
But tears always failed me
Like they could tell me who to be
And pain always follows me
Hoping to set me free
It follows me all around
Never leaves my side
It makes it even harder than it was
It doesn't give me a chance to hide
Guess I'll always have to run
To save me from myself
From the nothing I've become
The nothing I'll always be ..
Doesn’t matter how hard I always tried
To smile the world away
And than late at night crashed and cried
Wishing happiness would find me someday..
* Written By Fallen One* And °BrokenSmile° *