Please, won’t you leave me?
Just leave me be?
To be alone, with myself,
my heart and my mind.
I wish it, to be me, unaccompanied
by the willing and the reluctant.
Please, won’t you stay with me?
I’ve asked so many before.
They said they would stay,
but forgot all about it.
So they left. Walked away,
overlooking, disregarding me.
Please, won’t you leave me?
Why do you stay?
Please, won’t you stay with me?
Why do you leave?
The willing don’t remember me
and the reluctant hesitate to go.
Please leave me, reluctant one,
you don’t really want to stay.
Please stay, willing one, do
not put me out of your mind again!
I’m so tired of this battle of
leave me, stay