We'd rather not wish to be reminded at
The intense of a life we can only regret about
For living it integer thoughtless our in unrespectable ways
A life wherein we like to hide our faces
Thrown against the bottom of a bottomless space
Wherein a dumb humanly creation
Try to separate their earth-ground from continents
Belonging to no more less than God
In a so-called ‘free world’ wannabe
Where Individual stereotypes venerate naked skins
Sponsored by TV-screens
Or consumer society store-magazines
Disappointed groans with life-empty Oxygen
Cause happiness is a trade mark that none of you like to order
The numb hibe has become to despise bodies
Which doesn’t belong in our so-called perfection
** do not try to fit in the world
let the world fit into you **
Awake a little later
Dream a little more
Close your eyes
Just one night longer
..make sure you sleep tight..