A play...
a boy...
Sitting here in my chair,
watching someone giving the best of himself up on stage.
Most of what he tells is history
but then , all of a sudden, he tells something real
about us
we're selfish
selfish and boring
selfish, boring and suspicient
to every soul, that mountains its hiding shield
for protection of hart
hart , and soul
hart , soul and love
a love turning like tides on a blue sea
with a million stars that light
a mysterious night
So many feelings , captured in one tiny room
a couple of feet away , there's this boy
second and perhaps true love of mine
my love for him,
hidden in a secret hiding place in my heart
locked up carefully
that needs a key to open up,
a key that only his smile knows how to find
And then there are these girls,
are they friends, enemies, or just passing by from outa space?
Ancient souls,
captured in youngsters bodies
eyes wide shut, staring blindly at a materialistic society
What am i supposed to do
what am i supposed to say
to this boy, these girls, my mind
the answers i search for... in a play.