Why won't nobody see
who I really am?
I'm living my own life
I don't care what others think
but I DO want to have real friends
now my friends are my internet buddy's
but I can't live without real friends
not again
They think I'm a bitch
But I'm not
they think I'm so sure
but I'm not
Well...yes I am
but it took a long time
now I know what I want
I know who I am
you don't because you don't give me a chance
But if you give me a chance
you will see
the real me
I don't live a lie
I am who I am
but you won't see
because you can't forget the past
I was shy
and there was so much wrong with me
but now I'm me
I'm happy
I'm laughing
And I enjoy my life
Just see that
and give me a chance
please stop ignoring me
I hate it when you do that
Like I told you before
I am who I am
If you still don't like me
I don't really care
but stop talking behind my back
stop calling me names
don't shut me down on things
I'm alive and kicking!
But if you really don't want to be friends
I'll say Okay
You know why?
I don't want a heartless friend
like you
so...just back off
and learn the meaning of R.E.S.P.E.C.T