little psychogirl
lying in her bed
screaming for attention, a word, something
little girl hiding underneath the bed
scared for what's coming
the next day.
her life. her dreams.
they're ruined.
she needs somebody.
a love, a friend.
somebody who won't leave her.
even when her life ends.
little crazy girl.
screaming for a hug. a kiss.
hating the person
who made her feel like this.
her heart.
broken into a thousand pieces.
and nobody cares.
nobody who wants to heal it.
these wounds.
they're so deep.
deep untill her soul.
she wants to go.
she's scared.
scared of the people.
they say nasty things about her.
she's scared.
of what's coming.
they almost dissapear.
cos she doesn't have any left.
when can she finally rest.
she just needs a life.
a goodone.
she needs a fresh start.
but people don't give her one.
they scream at her. they hurt her.
she wants to say goodbye.
go to another country.
the new fresh start. the other people.
no mistakes. no hurt. nothing but hope.