get your face up,,
intoo the sky..
and smile..
just for a while..
don't be afraid for things in life that might come..
don't be afraid for things that have been said or done.. it's just life..
and we can't get any furder if you're sad
don't sit down..
just step around,
if you want to look around
But never sit down
cause it wouldn't help you
It only let you want to be
the one who is sitting there
for ever
cause you can't get up
you can't stand up again
and walk furder
walk away
you can't
if you sit down for too long
and you know that!
so don't you sit down
but move furder
don't let that smile be taking off your face
fight back
be happy
let the world behind
and move on
move furder
you can make it
you can win it
and you know it...
don't sit down..
just look around...
there's much more to see
than only heaven and the ground..
and you know...
look around!