I love you
Je t'aime
Ich liebe dich
But what does it mean to you
For me it is the person I really care off
But for you
It is just a word
I always tell myself that you are changed
But than comes reality
It hits me in my face and that hurts
My friends always say that he isn't serious
My mind knows that
But my heart is full of love for him
Sometimes you just can not forget persons
They keep haunting you
He is one of those
I dream of a future with him
But he sees me in the future as his toy
You play with it and than you throw it in a corner
I wonder if you will ever meet a girl you really love
But I guess not
You just can not love a person
And I know that you will end up alone
But do not think you can come back to me
I will be very lucky than
Because I have already find the one
And he will always stand next to me
That is something that I just can not
Expect from you
(geschreven voor A.Z., opgedragen aan L.S.)