Too late….!
I woke up in the morning for work at six 0 five
I never gave one thought about it that this day was going to change my life
It seemed like a normal sunny morning in may
But it became like what we call a “black” day
Saturday morning and I was at work when I got that call
Something happened to my parents when they took my little sister to the mall
When my dad was driving their car got out of track
It was then already decided they were not coming back
I didn’t know what to do jumped in my car and raced to the hospital
I came there and yelled were are the ones who crashed on their way to the mall
The doctors looked at me they were silent and didn’t know what to say
I almost past away because I realised they wouldn’t be here another day
I went away and drove all night it was too hard to go home
Didn’t know what to do there because I was all alone
Finally I got home deep inside still hoping there would be someone
But the house was empty and my tears began falling down one by one
I went to the living room I could still see them sitting there together
My sister, mom and dad talking about things like the beautiful weather
But it was just a fantasy cause they were gone
It was just me sitting there I was all alone
If I only could find a way to get them back just for a day
I still wanted to do so much and had so many things to say
I was a blind man cause I never told them how much I care
I should have been wise but back then I didn’t care
My love for them was like magic, never said to them the four letter word (love)
But I wanted to scream out loud to them and let my heart be heard
But I had to face it they were gone up above and stood in front of the gate
There wasn’t much for me to do so I went too sleep didn’t want to make it late
In the morning I felt someone’s hand going over my face
Telling me get up honey you must go to work or you’ll be late
I looked up couldn’t believe what I saw it was my mother
I was confused and asked her where is my father
It took some time but then I came to realize
She looked at me and saw the hurt in my eyes
She said you’ve just had a bad dream that’s all
We were here my dear we didn’t go to the mall
My eyes glazed and I started to cry
Told her how much I loved her and why
Didn’t think then about all the troubles I had in my life
Because I still had my mother the most beautiful wife
So I hope you all get this message and come to realize
That our parents only live once they won’t be here twice
For the ones who don’t understand this story
This didn't happen for real it was just a bad dream