Het is een lied dat ik heb geschreven voor mijn/over mijn ex. Helaas heeft hij vorige week besloten dat het beter was om het uit te maken, zonder enige reden, over de telefoon. dus vandaar dat het wat minder positief is, kan op het moment weinig goeds bedenken over hem. Hij heeft me in 1 klap neergeslagen...
Your eyes so innocent
your smile so sweet
it looks to me like real love
for you it was a joke
why didn't I see it
I didn't know your inside
I didn't know who you were
but i've found the real you
and he doesn't
fit in my life
but you don't wanna go
out of my mind
out of my memories
damn...i've made my decision for you
you can leave my house
I don't want to hear you breathe again
I don't want to feel your air in my face
I don't want to feel your breath again
your words were all lies
your feelings all fake
it wasn't fair to me
but you, you didn't care
why didn't I see it
I didn't know your inside
I didn't know who you were
But I've found the real you
and he doesn't
fit in my life
it's clear for me now
I've learned from you
it's not turning 'bout outside
it's the inside who counts
why didn't I see it
I didn't know your inside
I didn't know who you were
but I've found the real you
and he doesn't
fit in my life
something fake is not real
it can be beautiful
just like real
but still is real
really real