My heart and my mind…
My heart and my mind has one tought...
About how the world is fucked up and thats just one tought...
The people who live in that world...
Keep smiling every day...
When there heart is being burned away...
Of the pain they are been trough...
And the love is were there fighting for...
The world has one tought...
About how our lives is fucked up...
But we keep on fighting for our lives...
Because, even when there is no hope in our lies...
And when you see we are hopeles...
There is still hope...
Because we fight for our belovents...
And the hope, thats were its al about...
The world has just one more tought...
That there is a crouwd of hope...
And it has been given to us...
I have a mind and a heart...
And one more tought...
There is hope in our lives...
Even when there are lies.