My heart feels asif it were led
Deep in me, the pain has spread
I can no longer tell wrong from right
My soul flies out into the night
I press the blade onto my skin
Having always lived my life in sin
Life has become a burden I can no longer take
My life, My love, All fake
Something warm flowing over my hand
Life never turns out as it's planned
Through my wounds flows out the pain
But it's too late - I am no longer sane
As I finally lay down the knife
Looking at the blood, out slips the life
As I lie down I rest my hands on my chest
Leaving life, accompanied by Death
My Desire satisfied
For so long this I've tried
My gown stained red
I'd left the world - to Death I bled
The end of my life, My pain, My fear;
my world in eclipse
My Very Own Apocalypse