If someone is bound to have a place in heaven,
There is no better candidate then you,
For you’re the best friend someone can have.
You’re always there when a friend needs you,
No matter what happened, you're always around to help,
A smile, A laugh, a Tear, A broken heart, or just some Fun...
it doesn’t matter, you just come
you don’t care about popularity...
Only about friends, and happiness...
And now, when you really need me,
I shall be there, every time, you’ll see
And when it’s all over for you,
I can give you one thing...
The place in heaven you deserve
For then I shall pray...
And I might weep, cry, scream, yell, swear,
And curse god for doing this to you..
But I shall not, ever, stop praying...
For your happiness
After life on earth...