Why did you have to go?
Although I didn’t know you well
The brother of my grandmother
Unexpected you left, nobody could tell
Only saw you two times a year
You never remembered my name
But I thought it was funny, and so did you
To you, everything was the same
Always told great stories about your live
When you and grandma were young, the old days
I enjoyed listening to you
Your way of telling it, this special way
My grandma was very fond of you too
As it should be, you were her brother
The only one she had left
Now, there is no other
A heart attack, unexpected in your sleep
Just left, without ever seeing the light of day again
Never noticed you wouldn’t wake up
You now know what’s beyond, what happens then
Tomorrow your funeral
It will be the first I'll ever witness, hopefully the last
I’m there to support my grandma
And to remember all the years that have past
Although I didn’t know you well
I still miss you, isn’t that weird?
The way you always dressed up, in your tuxedo
Not a thing that you feared
Your white socks, miss-matching the other clothes
All the things you did for everyone
A lot of people will miss you
Yes, they will all notice you are gone
All the communities you were a part of
The garage you are leaving behind
You weren’t ready, you should have stayed
But time cannot be rewind
It was your time, probably
Although a lot of people disagree
I hope you’re now in a better place
A place of happiness, and where you can be free