I lie in the grass look at the sky and trees
The upcoming flowers, little birds and bees
I love a little walk and feed the ducks
Sitting at the beach and have gentle fucks
To hold your hand and look into your eyes
To ly just next to you with ,
My head on your chest seem paradise.
I wish that i could give you the biggest smile,
Sharing the same thought that ;
We will be together for a while
I like , to feel the touch of your lips,
Holding you tight , and your hands on my hips,
To be silly and have a little fun
Having pillow fights and shoot eachother with a watergun
I like to sweep my hand through your hair
Or to watch a movie together tucked in a chair
To wake up in the morning and to see your pretty face
To tell you that i love you and that you're my grace
I love to shower, to see your naked body close to mine
Just your presence make's me shine
You're my sun , you set me in bloom
You conquered my heart , took away all my gloom
I'll take care of you in everything you need
I will take over of all of your pain when you bleed
I'll dry your tears when you cry
You're my one thing that's not a lie
*** dit is een gedicht geschreven over hoe ik zal zijn als ik een vriendje zou hebben en hoe ik me vorige relaties heb beleefd zo is mijn karakter. een heel raar gedicht en ik hoop dat jullie er iets van begrijpen kus knuf ***