Inside and outside of me..
They follow me everywhere..
It’s make me crazy..
All the tears I cry..
It’s because I get crazy..
So many things follow me in my thoughts..
And then.. I cry...
My heart is empty..
Usually it was filled with love..
But that isn’t anymore..
I’m cruel..
I don’t feel the things like before..
Before I was a normal girl..
I could laugh..
I could cry..
But now it’s different..
If you say something,
I don’t care..
But inside of me i can..
The outside is so strong..
You can’t get me like you did..
I protect myself..
I didn’t do that before..
Inside of me is still the same..
I’m so emotionel..
I cry so many times..
But you don’t see that..
Nobody knows that I cry..
They think that I’m good..
They do their work good..
And they do..
All I need..
Is just myslef with my thoughs..
I can think..
And you did your work..
A tear on my eye..
I had so much to suffer..
I don’t like it..
I hate my life..
But now..
I gonna fight..
For a better life..
We’ll see..
Till then..
I let see my outside..
My inside..
Is just for my self..