One part of the world is jaleous of whealthy,
while the other part is suffering healthy.
What's wrong with our world, what happend to our nation,
why did animals extinct due to our civilization.
We should be infront of the court, and be occused for polution,
outrageous crimes, human rights, prostituion.
Maybe we figure out where it went wrong,
and we come to realize that it can't goin' on.
And the music slowly fades....
the sunshine merges down in one ray....
the flowers have died and the tree are burning....
life has been lived and the world stops turning....
And the we know it's JUDGEMENT DAY.
What about skincolour, or should I say racism,
what about a perfect race, Hitler's facism.
Tsjernobil, Hiroshima; all mutated races
it's time we strike back, it's time that we face it.
And the music slowly fades....
the sunshine merges down in one ray....
the flowers have died and the tree are burning....
life has been lived and the world stops turning....
And the we know it's JUDGEMENT DAY.