Your intentions.
They are good,
I am shure.
Your love for ways of growth.
But somewhere in the past,
some feelings turned and crashed.
There they did'nt show.
There you did'nt know.
The wind
did blow like storm,
and darkened pure sky view.
Unable to see.
There was'nt the really you.
Hypocrits they turned you blue.
You started to flee,
to somewhere, anywhere.
For to find it back,
Inner strength.
Now you know,
it's not out there.
You probably always knew.
And it's pure.
Nothing to do with hypocrits.
They make the wrong connections,
who darken those intensions.
It's pure.
It's where the love is.
Right at the source.
It's love.
And how do I know?
In you I see myself in the mirror.