I wish I was a cloud,
So the wind could blow me right to where you are.
Over hills, over mountains, over the ocean if it takes all that,
I would fly high in the sky to be with you,
No matter how long, no matter how far.
I wish I was a fish,
So I could cross the big ocean between us easily.
Through waters deep and dark I will swim,
Never giving up, never giving in,
So we can be together, so you and me can be.
I wish I was a mole
So I could dig straight through the earth.
Through every layer of sand I will crawl,
To be with you, to have it all,
If I could reach you with a song, I would sing every word.
I wish I was a diamante,
So I could be burned by fire but still survive.
Nothing in the world could harm or damage me,
I would life forever just for us to be,
That’s the only way I want to live my life.
I wish…
I wouldn’t have to wish for all that no more.