*Voor Lennert*
A smile on your face
Made me happy...
A hug from your arms
Gave me all I needed...
A word of love from your mouth
Gave me warmth...
A litlle kiss from your lips
Gave me courage...
Now, I'm still dreaming of those things...
I can feel them again
But they're not real...
You left us, and I can only look
At your smile at a picture
I can only dream about that hug
That word, that kiss...
You were almost everythin to me
I thought you were happy
And that I helped you
By giving a smile, a hug
A word of love and a kiss...
But that wasn't true...
I want you to know
That I miss you and
I still love you...
Just like I always did...
Sleep now... And rest in peace...
Lennert, waarom heb je toch zelfmoord gepleegd? Zag je dan niet dat ik om je gaf en dat ik zonder jou weer in die bodemloze put zou vallen waar jij me net had uitgehaald?
Ik mis je, en ik wil je weer hier, naast me...