I’m sick of feeling this pain,
I’m sick of you telling me i’m insane.
I’m sick of always fighting with you because you’ll never admit you’re wrong,
You’ll never admit that for me you’ve never been strong.
Everytime I needed you, you just closed your eyes and ran away,
You never listened to what I had to say.
You called me things no one has ever called me before,
That was when my love for you became sore.
I told you I’d do anything for you if you’d only stay with me,
Well let’s make this clear.
You can go to hell with your “sweet words” and your “kiss”,
There’s nothing about you that I’ll miss.
You've only distroyed my heart,
Yes, you’ve torn it apart.
You’re the perfect example for what a lover shouldn’t be,
Now stay away from me.
Go ahead and call me names,
But know one thing, I’m done with playing your games.