The mask
You wear it it so well
It's not hiding anymore
You made it your own
Deception becomes a normality
It fits like a second skin
and people don't even notice
So lively as you seem to be
It's all pretend
Keep them on the surface
Don't let them in
Pull in and push away
Not sure what you want
You exposed yourself
Someone who knows and understands
Maybe even better than yourself
So much alike
Pull in and back away
Not letting you go
You took it off
unmasked yourself
Revealled your true colors
But somewhere you regret
Just know..
There is no way back
There is no escape
You've let her in
She won't let go
No matter what
she is here to stay anyhow
Behind the mask
You are still save
Just not alone
Not anymore
~~for my 'Superlieverd', I care so deeply nothing will change. I know/understand you better than you realize~~