I said to myself A "long" time ago that: I never smoke weed again
But suddenly I couldn't resist it anymore
I smoked a joint but what began as a good trip ended as a bad one
I could hear the background voices clearer
I saw the collours brighter
I saw my friend happy
I saw more then without it
but when it became a bad trip
I only could hear my heart beat
I only saw myself in the reflection of the sink
I did not see anything anymore
But will I say no more or will I say another one will come
I know the answer to that questions this time
I will smoke some more because
It will give me the peace I need in my head when I need it to be
It will num my thoughts
It will give me the rest I need
It will resolve my problems for just a coupple of minutes
It will give me some new perspective of some situations
I know it is bad to me but what is not in this world