I keep on running
I am running as fast as I can
I am running and I don't look back
I fall but I stand up and still keep on running
I fall again but I keep on falling
Then suddenly I stop falling and I start to run again
But suddenly I stop running
I don't have the strenght to run anymore
The I turn around and finnaly I see why I am running and why I couldn't stop
I see the ghosts off the past
I see the ghosts off the present and if I do not stop them now I will see the ghosts off the future.
Then as fast as I stopped running I start to run again but now I am running to the beginning
I do not want to keep on running and I want to stop running
I must go to the beginning and face the ghosts of the past and the ghosts off the present
I must go to the beginning and destroy the ghosts that are haunting me