A love in need
Hearts with painful seeds
They must not forget
Remembering what was said
For the love i hold so dear
I give to you my love, my tear
I give to you my word
My care even when your body is turned
I give to you the help
The memory of a valueable time
Where clarity was ours
And everything was fine
I give to you the seeds
That this situation of now
So dearly needs
For making better what we did wrong
For healing and make the mist be gone
Therefor we gave each other the words
we sang them to each other just like the birds
For with the words we try to transmit
The memory of what we did
Of how we were and what we said
In the hopes of that healing has been met
For as confusing as this time might be
Despite how clearly our love cares
There is nothing so needed right now
As a guiding memory
The memory that gives us insight
The memory that gives us light
The memory that serves to heal
The memory where we were more real