When life opens up a door to love, how far do i have to go to keep it to myself
when the future suddenly seems uncertain because your past keeps breaking some shelves
when your present changes from one day to another from heaven to hell,
when your soul reaches a point of no return, how will you to it rings a bell.
I have given my all to my partner, in good and bad times
I have shown my lady I won’t commit any commitment crimes,
I have tolerated a lot of pain to prove I want to be worth the trust,
I have played open cards to show all other people are to me like dust.
My time is entirely devoted to my second half
my heart is filled with everything I cherish in my home like, my stepson & sweet wife
my eyes can only see the actions done by and with my lady
my mind will only rest and live peacefully when nobody is jealous or feel any envy
i will give do all i can and protect by any means necessary the light & love of my life
I would rather sell my soul to the devil rather than to ever lose my love
To all the people that cannot or don’t want to respect my choice of partner or accept it
please just leave us alone and let us live in love and prosperity
opgedragen aan m'n liefste vriendin & partner
Lieselotte Verscheure