Is there such thing as a true love.
I can’t tell, yet you were my angel from above.
Days have passed since you left me.
Life was great with you around, true love could it be?
That accident happened, which took you away.
I miss you, that is all there’s left to say.
Still thinking back to the time we had together.
Every minute of joy, that is what I should try to remember.
Life isn’t fair, that is obvious now.
Moving on is the key, yet I have troubles in how.
I tried to erase you from my memory, as if you never existed
Running away from my feelings, that’s what I really did, I fled.
Time has come to face the truth.
Yet troubled feeling consumes me from the inside.
I am, and feel lonely now; just like in my youth
Worried about it I am, something I can’t nor should hide.
But living in the past won’t do anyone good.
How lonely I am, I shall not allow it to influence my mood.
You’ll be in my heart for ever and always.
I will cherish the sweet moments we had, I will cherish those days.
But like day follows night, and night is followed by day.
It is time for me to move along, time to get on my way.
-LXSJason, written: 2000