This one's fr you, S.
I've always been there for you,
I was always with you when you needed me.
I always helped you out, even when it got me in trouble!
But that stupid guy, with his stupid lies,
is all you can see!
You never gave me advice, you gave me orders.
You knew everything better.
I listened to you, just out respect,
but I knew that were the wrong choises.
And I always had to hear out your problems,
your terrible stories you've been thru. Even when they were fake.
Why did you never listen to me?
Why did you never help me out?
Because you were being selfish,
and a terrible friend.
But I don't care anymore!
If you're to stupid to fall for his lies and tricks,
then I'm to stupid to be there for you all the time!
Do what you want, just leave me out of it,
you're upset, just because he can't admit,
that he's using you.
I've told you a hundred times,
and you know I'm right,
so why put up a f*cking fight?!