Heads up,
Never stop,
Trust, peace and love,
And you'll go above
Believe in dreams,
Fight for it,
Be always positive,
No matter what will happen.
The love is to big,
not letting my heart done,
Some times love can make you sick,
but we'll regrade when the last moment is gone.
What is the end,
what is the beginning.
What is real love,
Or what is real hate?
If you can tell me,
please let me know.
Cause i know i know.
Not gonna tell yo.
Oke i will,
Piece fall together,
Life looks harder,
but at the same time,
so much better.
Thats what love is.
Can't live with,
Can't live without.
Or am i wrong.
Are there relationships what never fights together,
never cry about the other.
Never laugh about the other,
Never think about the other,
Never speak about the other,
Never hear about the other,
Never like to see the other?
So what would love be?
Love, trust, peace.
Believe, faith, destiny.
It's the star of life.
each there own color.
And in the center is live.
Like ying and yang.
Some light needs to be in darkness,
some darkness had to be in light.
Balance come with colors,
colors with different characters.
Star of life.
Is you.
my dear. IS YOU.