Down the glass before you
Go on, have your moment of glory
The white lies scribbled on your skin
tell the same old story
What you thought you wanted
isn't really what you want
You would like to go back
have him listen while you rant
The bags under your eyes tell me
you wouldn't feel any less
If you would just sigh and leave it,
what you say is just a mess
Dance to a sad song and feel better
Get stuck on repeat and start to cry
think in circles, talk in riddles
have some time flow swifty by
Know that the last time you saw him
the feeling was already gone
You stopped loving what you never liked
Don't be sorry. It's not wrong.
Find what you want to say and SAY IT
Say it again and then shout
don't think that he'll listen
but it will be so good to say it. Loud.
You'll do greater things than this
when you get drunk, tell him “no”
And don't listen to anyone
who sighs and says “I told you so”